A Day Once In A Year ♥♥ #25thMarch |•B’day Wish❣•|

It’s All Special !!!!!!🎁🎁🎁

This is My Special Wala Gift To B’day Boy🎉 Wohaaaa!!!🎊🎊🎉🎉✨✨

It’s my Brother’s Birthday 🎂💞❤

Letter To Him 🎁

Dear Chinu,Chintu, Nobita, Chirag!

Hey Brotaaa🙋 Happppieeeee 17th 😘😘❣❣❤❤

Lemme Tell You That you already know You’re My Escape! My Nobiii….. My Better Half! Who knows me more than me….!! My Secret Locker! My Mood Changer! My Battery! My Best✨

And yeahhhh!!! I won’t ever forget to do ✌✌ whenever going out at night in car! So that people come to know there are people inside the car! Logic🙊 😹😹Damn!

This is best😭😭😭😭

You might be My Brother from another mother which is my mother’s sister…. Btw lemme say you’re a good brother and I hope I’m your good sister? Amm I ?? And so our bond is more good then our mothers! Confusing? Yeshh We’re🔥😼😸

My Click 😍
My Clickings Aren’t Bad ha!

You only taught me to Create New Stuffs! To make our own Identity….!!! So Hi5 ✋ oops! Hi10 😉 Alaaa…. Hii10000…..×10000😻😹

Your one Advice Lifted lighted my Whole Life Up…..!!!

The way you described me! Damn…… I came to know my own self!🙊🙈🙈🙈🙈

And now I’m running out of words🙀🙀🙀 👅

Ok! So lemme share some Writings I wrote for you! Way too before 😛😌

My first Work! I was so small😍 btw my nails were big😂

Some Of My Last Words😭

This ain’t by me…!

My Recent Work For You!😍😍

We share same love ! This⤵

Choco Shake😋

Last Pic😭😭😭

Ukw, You’re Gifted With Many Talents…..!!! It’s Most Hardest Thing To Do Which You Do….. That is to make someone Laugh Out Damn so Hard!!! That Stomach Ache Is Guaranteed!😂😂😛😛 I guess, your face is enough to laugh out loud! Never Stop your bakwass Puns! I can’t ever get over it Man!!!!!

Second, Your Singing Talent! No jokes 🙊 I’m your big and first Fan!!! 🙈🙈🙈 Ok! I’m writing it you can take a SS !!! You’re going be future Rockstar If you Keep Practicing Your Singing Talent!!!! I’m eager to attend your Concerts! Mane free ma bolavjee👅

From your dancing👀, joking👅, cooking 💋, singing 💖…… List goes on and on man!

Your Language Bapree💘💘 Pure Mumbaikar in Dubai! 😱 Aapun ko pata k u’ll rock Man!👻😌

Lemme say! Bhai, Tuj Chale👅

Your Height 😰😰😰 How Much Would You Grow Now 😬😠 You’re going to go above my house’s roof. Now I Can’t Say, Keep Growing 😒 Btw Keep Growing Not in height of your own self btw your dreams😘

You look like Nobita, Btw For me You’re My Doremon ✌

You be the Shinchan😝 And I Himavari 😳

You be the Tom😾 And I Jerry 🐁

You be Tall👅 And I Small👄

Btw For You I always would be Chakudi🐤🐣 Chakli kare phurr phurr🐤 And You Chinu! Chintukle Pintukle🐼

Keep Smiling Laughing 🐒 like Arjun Rhamphal Lol🐶

May God Blast Bless You🐰

Keep Learning Teaching! Keep Growing not in height in Progressing!

Come Soon 😭 To Meet Me India 🐾

Happiieeee Born Day!!!!! This day An Angel 👼 aka my Brother! Already entered this Earth! Don’t worry I’m following you😎 So I’m Blessed To have You As My Brother 😚 This time don’t forget my birthday 😅

Wish You,

All Luck ❤👍

All Happiness 💞

All Success 🔜

Good Luck 👍 For Your 12th Boards✌ 🔛📚 Top Karje ik tu karse mara Ashirwad tari jode chhe la 👅💋

Xoxoxo 💞💖💗💕 Muaahhh!💙💜
Miss Ya! Love Ya!

My Imperfect Letter Is For Such Imperfectly Perfect ❤ Soul in my life 💜 MY SOULMATE 💙

HBD 💐💐💐💐

Now, describing my love for you? Oh! So so so sorry! No Combination of 26 alphabets can ever! Do that! Keep Calm Fighting 😬😠😝

PS: Control your tears only if you can:-P:-*(^^)

YOUR’S Lovingly,

Golu molu, Sista,Zankhudi, ChakuZankhana 🌹

©® By Zankhana Aka Me👻


19👑 | Exploring❤ | See the World through my eyes !

129 thoughts on “A Day Once In A Year ♥♥ #25thMarch |•B’day Wish❣•|

  1. ☕🌺🍪☕🌼😰😉🍥🍡🍦🍧🍨🍮🍭🍬🍫🍰🎂🍼🍵🍾🍷🍸🍴🍳🏺🍑🌶🍏🍈🍓🌰🌽🍏🧀🍅🍓🍓🍇
    Happy birthday to the boy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Its beautiful! He is gonna grab a lot of birthday wishes through you (& this post). Wish him happy birthday and a great life ahead! 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. End tak padha Zankhss💞💞🔥😘 Sho shweet💞💯✨ he s gonna be hell happy after reading this😚😚 A very happy birthday to him💞💪✨

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m trying to get in contact with you btw I can’t! I’ll explain you! First give me your email ID! So I can msg u on hang


  4. So much of warmth and love in this post re meri laadli behna!😘😘😘 Here’s wishing a Happy birthday(err sorry belated) to your equally amazing brother.🎁🎉🎀🎊🎈🎂👑🍟🍕🍝🍥

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Belated birthday wishes for your Nobita-cum-Doraemon..🤗🎂🎁

    This is soooo cutee😭😍..
    Especially this- You be the Shinchan😝 And I Himavari 😳….😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
    Your bro. is lucky to have a sister like you!!!🤗💓🤘

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ohhhh! I read your last post about jealousy….. and now, I’m jealous of you!! 😭😭 Cause you have a brother, a great brother indeed’!!! Such a sweet post!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ohhh!! You’re so sweet!! Now I really wanna meet you!!!! You know what… I never used those emojis 😍❤️… this one… for any one before I met you!!

        Liked by 1 person

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