Black ❤ is Beautiful ❣ | Black Is Trend! ❣

Happpiiieeee Sunday! 😌😉

Guess What? 👇👇

It’s made by Avni! She was Too Quick! Woahhh! I loved it! 🔥♥ I can’t stop myself from sharing! I just edited it by a Vintage Effect! It looks more Real! Thankaaa! Girlyy! ❤💞💝

Made By – Avni ❤

My today’s topic is Black! ❤

Before jumping up to anything I would like to share a Conversation of me and my friend! Through which I’m here to write! 👇👇

She’s Beautiful ❤

Do you like this👇👇

Yum! 😍❤

How about this shades? 😀🙈

This model is freaking Cool! 😉❤

In love with this! 😳 Ahhh! I’m out to buy this now! 🙈

This 😭😭😻😻

Her Gown! 😺

This Painting! 😍😘

Night Sky!

This Cutie!🐕

Kattyyyyy Cat! 🐈

Black Rose


Lady Filmfare! 😻

If you like all this black Stuff!

Then why not them? 👇👇

Ain’t she Beautiful ❤😍

Oh! Yeaaa! She’s more beautiful ❤

Do you know! The one who is Blind !! Has most beautiful Eyes!
Similarly! The one who is Black! Has more beautiful! Colourful! Heart! I believe that!

Somewhere or the other we all are suffering! Yeshh! We’re of something! Btw when I see such people! And they seem like saying Filters are their friends! Fake Beauty ♥ makes them Beautiful! Btw it’s no so! Remember :

You’re more beautiful than Filters! For sure!

And if you just ask me! Who’s acting was best! Yeah! No one can beat The Rock! Btw Mouse was Best! Wasn’t he? He motivated Spencer! Hell Out Of His Dialogues 🙊😂 I loved his role! A lot! 😳

Yeahhhh!!!!! Black is Amazing!!!!!!!!

Remember the whites only ruled over us! Probably if you’re fat you can lose wait! Someway or the other! Btw what about Blacks? Com’on! No “Fair & Lovely! ” can work too! They’re just name of another filters!

So next time if you saw a Black Person Around You! Remember they’re more Cool! 😌 Haha! Don’t forget to give them a Smile! 😊

Hope it makes Their Day! 😉

Good Luck ❤👍


– Zankhana Goyal!


19👑 | Exploring❤ | See the World through my eyes !

125 thoughts on “Black ❤ is Beautiful ❣ | Black Is Trend! ❣

  1. You too are beautiful, this was amazing lovely and it’s funny because I just finished writing a post about beauty, your timing is amazing. Your heart is astounding and words can’t describe how incredible you are….I could hug you right now!!😍😍😍. Love this post, another winner!
    Kale sundar hai ❤️❤️

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Beautiful thoughts!💕💕 You do have an awesome talent of connecting with the readers… Mesmerizing!!💕💕 And your purest thoughts add on to your abilities miraculously.. Proud to see such maturity in you at such a tender age!! Keep it up Zak!! U will definitely reach great heights!!😊😊💕

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Woahhh!!!!! Such Beautiful 💞🌷🍁 wishes!!!!! I’m speechless! 😅
      Btw I loved that new Name! Zak! 😎
      Haha! Thank You! So so so so so so much! ☺☺😉😀
      I’m Overwhelmed! 😃


  3. Loved the post! Amazing… I guess the people who discuss about colour of a person and their physical features are themselves very shallow as they are unable to know what beauty lies within is!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Amazing & i loved the way you expressed it with medium of pics.
    I loved your thought process sweet lil kiddo! It reflects the beauty of your heart and i wish you’ll do awesome worknin future & woh art work done by Avni is incredible!!😇💐🙏👰
    Have a great week ahead( October is coming😅😅)

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Ahhheee! Thank You So Much ☺ for such good Positive overwhelming wishes! !!!! I’m glad! 😊😀

      And yeah! Btw his birthday too! 🙈😸 Haha! I’m way too excited! 😄😉😳


      1. Haha..kya baat! So prepare & ready with something like Eiffel Tower kind artistic stuff & cake and bang on to hos home on 24th😂😂😅

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you!! But It’ll be unjust to not mention that my inspiration for the 3D Eiffel tower is from Zankhana’s last post. She’s the one who deserves the credit..😋✌

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haahaa….bahut yaraana lagta hai😂😂😉😜
        Both of you deserves the credit..exam me aata toh pakka top hota😛😛

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Your thoughts shine through, Zankhana. Thak gayi mei Fair and Lovely k add dekhte dekhte. Black is classy. Black is sassy. Black is love. Black is life. Black is all i live for. Black is everything.
    And Avni’s artwork is really amazing. 😍😍😍
    P.s. can we go shopping for all those dresses and shoes?

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank ya!!😍😘
      But tbh it was Zankhana’s last post from which I got the inspiration to draw the Eiffel tower.. She’s the one who deserves the credit..😋✌

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Wooowwww🙈… Amazing post..👏👏
    I’m in love with the way you used those pics..Maar dala🙈💘
    Kahan se laate ho itni creativity..😋😅
    And thank for sharing that Eiffel tower, but its all because of you. I got my inspiration from your previous post..🤗💞😄 Nahi toh hum kabhi itnaaa creative soch sakte hai bhala!?😂😅👾

    Liked by 3 people

  7.’s just a colour and not an identity. Actually, it’s our fault. We go a lot gaga around fair colour !

    If it’s a marriage, the husband needs a fair wife. Wife needs a tall husband…the in-laws take pride of their son in law / daughter in law are fair, tall and with good physical outlook.

    This is an issue deep rooted in the society since ages. The way we grow up hearing stories about Angels ( who ate absolutely beautiful), ancient mythological shows (all beautiful actors and actresses play the deities and we assume that gods are always fair and devils are black).

    How so ever we can talk about it, but I don’t see this issue eliminating. This is typical of we Indians !! We tend to act with hypocrisy at times. Wife is chosen by the colour of her skin and a husband is chosen by the weight of his wallet. What shallow standards ya!!

    I know a guy whose gf wasn’t fair and it took him hell to convince his family on the qualities of his gf. Kudos to the guy who remained by her side. It’s good if people get awarensss on this issue but it would be a miracle if our mentality changes ever !!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. This Comment!!!!!!
      Each and every word is craved amazingg!!!! Thank you for letting me know your views!!!!!!!!

      I’m glad! To hear that!!!! Btw at other side I’m sad too! By the mentality of Society!

      Hope for best! And Good Luck ❤👍 to that guy! 😉😀😃

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeah. That guy eventually married his gf ! There are so many issues with us. We live in a world of delusion. We are trying to get western only in our clothes and based on our convenience but not in mentality. A girl who can wear bikini in a pool will not talk about her period issues with her brother. A boy expects his girl to participate and experiment all as they do in west but will not hold her hands in front of family due to so called “respect towards elders”. I feel pity ya and face heat by lot many people in my family for raising these issues but it’s fine. I would keep doing it.

        We need to learn being a human before being an Indian or a Western or handsome or beautiful or extrovert or introvert or god damn anything. That heart needs to be at right place and beat for rational cause…for humanity

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Ahhh!!!!!! Man! Your thoughts are bold and amazingg 👌👌❤👍✌

        Keep that mentality up! I’m glad we’ve some good thinkers in our country! Who can be the change to bring a change by being a CHANGE.

        Good Luck ❤👍😊
        And do share your amazing boost full views! ☺

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Thanks. I have fought my way to these changes at home. My sister lives her life normally, sits and eats with the family the way she should during the tough days. My mom doesn’t have to keep a foot long ghoonghat in front of elders!!

        I hope we all work towards it and live a straight and simple life!!

        Liked by 2 people

  8. Waaah!!!! What an awesome post !! All that is sooo true, even my fav. colour is BLACK!! Black is the Coolest and the Smartest colour!!👍🏿👍🏿😎

    Liked by 3 people

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